Troubleshooting car problems without knowing the nitty gritty details of different parts and the engine can be frustrating. You’re driving along and suddenly an issue pops up, leaving you stuck on where to look or what to do. Searching online aimlessly often leads to more confusion than clarity.

To help diagnose and identify problems in your car, I’ve created this free online interactive diagnostic tool for car problems. The form provides concise, straightforward answers to at least point you in a direction, rather than leaving you lost in a sea of repair jargon.

With a basic idea of the potential issue, you can use the resources on our site to dive deeper and fix the car problem without breaking the bank. The step-by-step guides remove the guesswork, walking you through the repair process.

Welcome to the Vehicle Troubleshooting Assistant. Click start to begin.

Where is the problem occurring in your vehicle?

Your personalized diagnostic summary will appear here.

I have also recorded a short video to demonstrate how this interactive car diagnosis tool will work.

Let me explain how this interactive car problem diagnosis form works. It’s a really straightforward process. In the video above, you can see that I choose the area that’s giving me trouble, like issues with steering. Then it asks me more specific questions about what exactly the problem is. If I’m experiencing something like a pulling in one direction, I can choose that option. The form takes me through step-by-step to figure out what is causing that pulling.

I’ve also developed a mechanic chatbot using GPT technology. It also gives you concise answers related to problems in your vehicle. After that, the chatbot points you to the relevant in-depth resource on my website.